Indulgent Christmas Trifle
15th December 2016

Credit: SA Promo Magazine
Christmas was always a VERY special time in our household – not just because of the presents or festivities – no, for me, knowing a trifle would make its way onto the dining table, was the highlight of the day. My mother had this way of getting it just right. I remember the sweetness of the peaches, slightly countered by lemony jelly. It was a beautiful and elegant creation and I’d sometimes feel sorry for ruining it by digging in… but only sometimes! This Indulgent Christmas Trifle is an absolute show stopper and would do well at any Christmas feast.
Ingredients for this Indulgent Christmas Trifle:
150ml Amarula
250ml Fresh Cream
1 packet Boudoir
Caramel Treat
2 Packets Moir’s Jelly (two different flavours – we prefer strawberry and greengage)
Fresh fruit like berries and banana or canned fruit, like our Koo Peaches
Chopped nuts
1L of Custard
Start by making the jelly (according to the packet instructions) and put aside to set. We used strawberry and greengage, but there are so many great flavour combinations to choose from.
Get out a nice deep dish and start layering your Boudoir biscuits at the bottom, moistening them with your Amarula first. Next, spread a layer of Caramel Treat over your biscuits and add some chopped pieces of jelly on top – following with the fruit (we used banana, strawberries and raspberries) and custard.
Next, spread a layer of Caramel Treat over your biscuits and add some chopped pieces of jelly on top – following with the fruit (we used banana, strawberries and raspberries) and custard.
Keep up the layering, until all of your ingredients are finished and then cover with whipped cream and sprinkle with nuts.
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Recipe adapted from SA Promo Magazine